Friday, January 29, 2010

Opium rice

Poppy seed rice with fried eggs, green onion and hella garlic
This might look like bland peasant food you'd find in rural China, but trust me, it packs a lot of flavor and makes a satisfying light dinner. Sorry, I'm not too keen on exact measurements. They're arbitrary and preferential.

2 eggs
green onion
poppy seeds
olive oil
salt and pep

~cook rice with lightly salted water and a couple table spoons of poppy seeds, chop a bunch of garlic cloves into fatty chunks, on low-med heat fry garlic in olive oil until the kitchen smells awesome then fry eggs + salt&pep, for green onion garnish chop green onion and soak in mix of olive oil, lemon juice and salt, enjoy with chopsticks and a glass of tap water or cheap beer~

~can add/sub eggs for fried tofu, don't corrupt the garlic flavor with overzealous soy sauce additions~


  1. "Sorry, I'm not too keen on exact measurements. They're arbitrary and preferential."

    yes! <3

  2. Yum! This looks familiar. I'll have to try it with the poppy seeds :)
