Saturday, December 26, 2009

around Santiago

local artists

take it out on the laundromat

Christmas in Santiago

a deceiving angle at a park in Providencia, 84 degrees F.
a traditional expatriate Christmas dinner: Chinese takeout

Sunday, December 20, 2009

becoming a cat person.

Carlos, my gardening mentor, made me this chair from reeds. He's a genius.

Some random pictures from around the farm. After a while in the country, when you spend all your time within the same 4 acres, you find pleasure in simple things. The rapid growth of basil sprouts, a good sized stick making the perfect addition to the strawberry patch border, misplaced oddities in the dirt. The world shrinks and so does what it takes to call it a good day.

Look in the greenhouse...

Sowing cucumber seeds

Lookadem basil! They're getting so big.